Jebba Hubba, Hubby, Baby Bubba and the Kitty Combo!

Our Dirt Garden transformed

Here it is — our dirt garden (not to be confused with our shrub and tree garden) after I pulled out all the leaves, misplaced boulders, and tilled the soil. (I also transplanted those couple plants you see hanging on.)

The dirt garden is right behind the Florida room. There were a couple wayward plants — one lily and one tiny tulip — but mostly dirt, leaves and spiders and it really needed to be spruced up. I had everything I needed and I set to work.

Luckily Hubby and Handy-Man Mikey were around when one huge spider crawled out from under the rocks I set aside. EEEEEKKKS!

I got ten Hostas and spread them out in the dirt garden and they instantly made that area look better. After cleaning up all of the leaves and weeds I gave the hostas a big drink and admired the newly made Hosta row — no more dirt garden for us.
It was easy as one, two, three (Now let’s just hope the chipmunks/squirrels/etc don’t eat them and/or I don’t forget to water them.).

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