Jebba Hubba, Hubby, Baby Bubba and the Kitty Combo!

Saturday Shearing

It was time..,

Comments on: "Saturday Shearing" (6)

  1. Nice work! I’d love to donate my hair but I believe because it’s been bleached I can’t (until that section grows out, which is forever at the rate my hair grows!) It must feel weird seeing your hair sitting on the seat next to you! 😛

  2. I thought that was Gary’s Mullett !

  3. Ha – nahhhh!

  4. Yes — it is weird seeing it there. But it feels good to not have to spend so much time on it anymore and hopefully it will help to make a wig for someone.

  5. Kristina Messina said:

    Hey Jess! Wow that is a lot of hair! Good for you! What a great cause!

  6. Hey Kris – thanks! It was time to lose some extra weight – and I was happy to donate it as well!!

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