Jebba Hubba, Hubby, Baby Bubba and the Kitty Combo!

A bunch to post about.

I have a bunch of photos of some fun things that have happened in the past month to post about and I haven’t been finding any time to post about anything.

I am going to do a quick photo blog today about my birthday party and the new dishwasher — Sorry it’s not more in depth but once we get back on track here hopefully the posts will be more regular.

My birthday was so delicious. My mom told me she would come to my house and cook whatever I wanted for dinner and also wash all of the dishes too. When hubby heard that she would be washing all of the dishes too he thought it meant that we could leave all of the dishes for the next two weeks and she would wash them when she got there. I thoughtfully assured him that what she meant was she would cook and make sure to clean up from the dinner making process. LOL

I chose Linguine with Clams, garlic bread, and salad for my birthday dinner. (my mom also made rigatoni with red sauce for those of the party who do not eat seafood.. *ahemmm, T.R.* . IT WAS DELICIOUS. I want it again right now!!! We also had an array of desserts. We had pineapple upside down cake (ma), baked apple dumplings (my sister al la pioneer woman), and homemade biscotti. AND to top it off my mom got me this CRAZY birthday cake candle that when lit became a torch and opened up into a flower and started spinning around while playing the Happy Birthday song! IT WAS INSANE!!!

And unfortunately for my mom in the next few weeks we finally got our dishwasher (could have saved her a lot of dish washing time) – and Hubby and his Dad were able to install it without any problems at all. They had to take out a couple drawers and cabinets, add some plumbing and electrical (and an under sink water filter) and then PRESTO – NEW DISHWASHER!!!

Although it sounds complicated I don’t think it was. It was mostly a matter of doing everything in the right order and knowing how to do it all. And honestly I don’t think it was that hard but every time I went in to take a picture Hubby and his Dad seemed to be napping right there on the floor….

And finally it was all installed and it runs really well – we are soo happy! You can see it in this picture where Hubby is eating some pizza from our Halloween party in his “Handy Man Costume”… LOL! (More on the party later and better pictures of the dishwasher later too.)

Comments on: "A bunch to post about." (2)

  1. LOL sounds like you enjoyed your birthday!! the food looks sooo yummyyy :)

  2. don’t those apple dumplings look good? and i know they are tasty. i’m glad you have a dishwasher. it makes life a little easier although when i’m cooking, i end up with the both the sink and the dishwasher full! sometimes i have to get creative with the stacking process in the drain so i don’t have to dry the dishes as well. i usually do fairly well, however, and assume it’s a testament to my early tinker toy experiences.

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