Jebba Hubba, Hubby, Baby Bubba and the Kitty Combo!

‘Tis the season

Hubby got the tree out and set it up on Friday night… I think I fell asleep on the couch watching a christmas movie. He put it all together and put the lights on too! Then together on Sunday we decorated it with some tinsel garland and all of the ornaments. We found a kickass star at “The Christmas tree Shoppes” store (go figure) for $4.99 and it really makes the tree look great!

We have a lot of christmas balls – red and silver only to maintain a little bit of organization – and not that many “other” ornaments. Of the ornaments we do have this one is my favorite. She is a pretty plump elephant in a pink Tu-Tu and ballet slippers. She has silver sparkles around her top and a pearl necklace. What this has to do with Christmas I have no idea but, I like makes me smile.

After we finished decorating I asked the kitties if they liked it and they said yes. Well actually, Trixie continued to sleep without batting an eyelash and Nugget gave me the cold shoulder. He was very aloof and would barely look in my direction. At first I thought he was being moody because he was totally fixated on the beautiful Christmas tree but I soon found out what was really bothering him…

We did eventually make up once he realized I was the one with the blanket and a nice warm lap to curl up on. We shall see how the tree holds up and which ornaments are the first casualties this year. My theory is that since Nugget is decidedly more plump this year, he might not actually climb much into the tree this year leaving the ornaments closer to the bottom the only real targets. Cross your fingers that my theory holds up!

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