Jebba Hubba, Hubby, Baby Bubba and the Kitty Combo!

Raking in the…

Well, since we moved into our home in the fall one would assume there would be an abundance of fall related activity blog posts…and one would assume correctly.

Here is what we recently did:
Raking! It had to be done and we didn’t mind so much since our yard is not so large or daunting and it was our first raking experience in the new house. I am sure there will be many more to come. Bonus- the previous owner left us a rake so we scored on not having to go buy one!

Here I am doing the beginning of the raking.
Yup, that’s me over there on the left. If the area I am raking looks strange that is because it is strange. The previous owner was growing ornamental bushes, and trees in this section. Maybe he gave them as gifts, or sold them, or was genetically modifying them. I don’t really know. Side Note: If you could use a japanese maple or any of the bushes seen in the picture feel free to give us a call and we will be happy to oblige.

Mean while Hubby cleaned out the gutters…
Love the Butt shot! heehee 😉

We raked all the piles of leaves onto some tarps and lugged them out to the street where they will come by and collect them.IMG_5405

Do you ever have that feeling that someone is looking at you but when you turn around no one is there? Well I had that feeling and finally I captured a picture of the stalkers!

Once again Trixie and Neo probably thought they were being totally helpful with their “Moral Support” or something but, really they just kind of sat there mocking us through the glass.

Comments on: "Raking in the…" (1)

  1. omg. LOVE the kittie window hahahaha

    tell gary theys mo’ leaves down here when he’s done.

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