Jebba Hubba, Hubby, Baby Bubba and the Kitty Combo!

Wild Kingdom – The Turkey Edition

It’s been awhile since we have had a “Wild Kingdom” post around here.

I traveled south this weekend to visit with my Mom for her birthday and it’s always a bit more wild as you cross that imaginary line. There is always a great debate about where and what is techinically South or North Jersey. I too have my own idea of it and I think it changes with each trek down there.

When I woke up on Saturday morning I headed down the stairs to see what my mom was cooking and as I muddled about in the kitchen I looked out the window into the backyard and saw the turkeys had returned.

Look at them all – and look how big!

I had to take the photos from inside behind the sliding glass door and kitchen window because otherwise they would have been scared off. PLUS- there were a lot more turkeys actually there than pictured. Maybe about 15 or so had come by but it was difficult to snag a picture of them all.

They all headed closer to get under the bird feeder which is behind the grill in the picture.

This big one was all about getting the best view of the feeder I suppose or maybe he wanted some of my Dad’s delicious grilled Ribs!

Comments on: "Wild Kingdom – The Turkey Edition" (2)

  1. I just wanted to know the kingdom classification of a turkey. That is all.

  2. I am not a scientist BUT I use Wikipedia.
    It says:
    Kingdom is Animalia.

    gobble gobble

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