Jebba Hubba, Hubby, Baby Bubba and the Kitty Combo!

Za Za Zoom

Buffalo chicken pizza (or ‘Za as the kids ate calling it these days), BBQ chicken ‘Za, and Bruschetta mozzarella ‘Za waiting to go in the oven.

Comments on: "Za Za Zoom" (2)

  1. I like when pizza is a vessel for delivering other foods, like barbeque chicken. When I worked at Martinos I invented the pasta-covered pizza. People eat pasta and bread in a meal, so why not combine the two. They all said I was crazy. Now it’s everywhere, just like paisley ties, which I also brought back in to style.

  2. I think the ‘Za can be a good vessel too. The BBQ chicken pizza is the “California Pizza Kitchen” trademark – they try to act like they invented it but I am not so sure.

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