Jebba Hubba, Hubby, Baby Bubba and the Kitty Combo!

Ham Dinner

The Hulla-ba-loo!

We had a ham dinner it was for hubby’s Birthday and because well, we wanted a ham dinner. We had both sets of parents over and my sister.

Everything went well and was fun and delicious… except there was a mashed potato incident. Basically the person who was bringing the mashed potatoes decided to try a New-Fangled way of cookin’ the taters. The person, who we will refer to as “Mrs. Potato Head”, heard from many different sources that cooking the potatoes in milk to begin with would create a delicious end result. Not only would the milk impart a bit of flavor but then you could use some of the same liquid in the mashing process.

Mrs. Potato Head peeled, chopped, and started the cooking, stirring all along… but, somehow something went awry. I think it had to do with the conversion from her Gas range to our Electric range coupled with the fact that Mrs. Potato Head had never made mashed potatoes this way before. My sister was a taste tester and right away she knew something had gone horribly wrong. Mrs. Potato Head and my sister gave me a piece to try as they continued to laugh hysterically and well… I made an emergency phone call to Hubby, who was at the super-market.

Basically even with stirring them milk scorched on the bottom of the pan and here’s how it went:
It was a shame because it really was no ones fault and it resulted in major mashed potato abuse.

But, don’t despair Hubby brought home an adequate replacement
and everyone gobbled them up!

And my Father-in-law had time to carve the ham:

Here is all of the other delicious food we had to eat:

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