Jebba Hubba, Hubby, Baby Bubba and the Kitty Combo!

Cat Door – Or reeeeallly tiny person door – with a flap!

One of the things we were most looking forward to when we were looking at houses to buy was the fact that the kitty litter box would no longer have to be in the big closet of our living room. You heard right, the large closet of our living room. It had to be ajar so that the cats could get inside to “use the facility” and it was really annoying.

We are putting the litter box down in the basement for the cats and so we needed a flap door that would allow them to move freely between upstairs and downstairs without leaving the door open.

We went to PetCo and got a cat flap door for around $18 and we came home to install it. Aside from not reading the directions, not having a drill bit to cut the starter holes, and having the take the door off the hinge, it went pretty well.

We brought the door downstairs and set it on the workbench and started to chisel a hole for the jig saw to start in.

Trixie decided to venture down and check out what all the noise was about.
Meanwhile Nugget was scared to come down so he took a nap at the top of the stairs.

This is how it went:
Gary used the jigsaw to cut the hole.
We fit the two pieces into the hole.
Gary pretended to be a cat wanting to go through the door.
We put the big door back on the hinges.

Then this happened:

So, it was a successful installation of the cat door…

Here are a couple shots which will explain why if it isn’t a cat door, then it is a door for “Reeeeally tiny people”

The end.

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