Jebba Hubba, Hubby, Baby Bubba and the Kitty Combo!

Bathroom Renovation – The beginning

This is the bathroom we bought (it came with the house)!

Here are the finer points:

After a week or so of showering we realized there was a leak! The leak was leaking its leakage into the basement. So we had to do some investigating to find out if the plumbing was leaking or if the grout in between the tiles was leaking.

Hubby and Fil (Father-In-Law) cut a hole in the wall of the guest room to see if the plumbing was leaking. They assured me it was the ONLY way.
IMG_7134I guess the hole didn’t end up being too large and we did accomplish one thing with that hole…we found out the plumbing was NOT leaking.

We looked at the tiles in the shower and saw that a few areas were kind of raised and uneven. It was as we suspected water was getting behind the tiles because the grout was over 50 years old. Fil dug out a couple of tiles with hardly any effort and we saw the warped, yucky plywood underneath.

Apparently using plywood was common practice “back-in-the-day” even though it isn’t as hardy against water damage as the water/mildew/mold resistant sheetrock/green board/purple board we use today.

Well, we placed a temporary solution in the shower until we decided what was in the budget and what we really wanted to do to update the bathroom. Hubby took to calling it the “Serial Killer Shower” (Lovely right?) because… well… it kinda of looked like one. Plastic and duct tape covering all of the tiling so that no water would get into the gaps and leak into the basement.

It’s not so bad — wet plastic sticking to you as you shower, toiletries on the floor of the tub, worry that your house is going to fall down because the leaking has somehow caused rotting underneath the floor of the tub and your holiday weight body is the straw that broke the camel’s back and your tub us going to come crashing down into the basement!!!!
Phew – I have to get a grip!

The tub did not come crashing down, and there wasn’t ever anything to suggest it would. I just think about a lot of things in the shower, LOL!

Long blog-post short — We decided to renovate the bathroom and you will all be updated soon!

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