Jebba Hubba, Hubby, Baby Bubba and the Kitty Combo!

Bathroom Renovation – The demolition

Jaws shark attack music playing in the background

Hubby decided to start the demo!


Hubby enlisted FIL (Father-in-law) to help with the tear-down. They really got into it and were having a good time. Who wouldn’t like taking a crow bar, some mallets and whacking the heck out of some ugly pink tile? That’s right – you know you all wish you had some ugly pink tile to whack!

It was all going pretty smoothly. Nugget taped up some boxes for the guys to put the debris into.

And Trixie inspected the boxes for structural integrity.

Like I said, it was all going pretty smoothly until…
Hubby: “Hunny? My Dad hurt himself”
Me: “WHAT? Are you serious? What happened?”
Hubby: “Yeah, I’m serious. Do we have antibacterial ointment?”
Me: “Ok come in here, sit down and I will look at it.”
FIL: (laughter)

After a couple minutes in the chair under the hot lights the REAL story came out:
Hubby was removing tiles from the ceiling and FIL was stooping down to get “something (investigation still pending)” and the tile flung itself from underneath Hubby’s crowbar and down onto the head of FIL (Father-in-law). Wherein FIL then said “Ow” and placed his hand onto the back of his head to feel what had happened. Hubby and FIL proceeded at that point out of the bathroom and into the living room to acquire medical assistance.
If some of you can’t actually see the “gaping wound” in the above picture, don’t worry there you don’t need to adjust your monitor or rush out to the eye doctor, the gaping wound was more like a tiny cut that I couldn’t even see from 4 inches away. Blood definitely came out but, the hole miraculously closed up before I even got the ointment on it. Must have been a Christmas Vacation Week Miracle!

FIL pulled through and they went back to work. This time they started removing the soffit from the ceiling of the shower area and the plywood from the walls.
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It had been a long day and night so we sent FIL home to rest his noggin. I finished making homemade chicken soup for the next day- yum!

And the the kitties… well.. they did what they do best.

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