Jebba Hubba, Hubby, Baby Bubba and the Kitty Combo!

Wild Kingdom Lobby

I was in the Shop Rite and as I walked by the seafood counter I noticed a rather large display of Lobsters. Poor guys were just sitting there on top of ice and each other. Waiting to be scooped up for $5.99/lb with your price-plus card.

Every time I see them like that – just waiting there to be someone’s food – all alive… waiting…. I feel really bad for them. I feel guilty that I have eaten lobster. I feel most guilty when I look at the large lobsters.

I read that it takes 7 years for a Lobster to reach 1 lb. Then they gain 1lb every 3 years after that. They must molt their shell in order to grow as well. So basically the big huge guys you see sitting on that ice table are around 20 years old – since they are around 5lbs.

It just makes me feel kind of sad that the poor creature survived the wild underwater world for 20 years just to be trapped in a fisherman’s net and sent to Shop Rite. Then the poor lobster just sits and waits on an ice table for some hungry person to bring him home to his death.

I spent a moment with one of the biggest ones and told him how cool I thought he was.

I don’t like to see my food alive – or 20 years old. (I guess it’s kind of freaky that we eat other animals that technically still babies too – Guhhhh I should only eat grass from now on!)

Comments on: "Wild Kingdom Lobby" (2)

  1. Poor little lobstas.

  2. Yep poor little lobbies.

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